i've been playing around with some of the digital templates provided with the class materials in cathy zielske's class called design your life at bigpicturescrapbooking.com. i'm really enjoying this class, even though i'm jumping around a little and creating layouts from photos and stories that are inspiring me at the time. for the three layouts that i'm sharing today, i used the same digital template (the one provided in week 6 for those of you taking this class too) and made three different hybird layouts.
after doing a couple of all digital layouts, i'm coming around to the notion that i like the hybird approach better. i like using the digital templates to organize my photos and to capture my journaling. but once everything is all printed out, i like going back and adding some additional elements/embellishments and sometimes some ephemera. i like the dimension and depth "real" embellishments give my pages - a pop here and there, texture, etc. and i also love including the real life bits and pieces where appropriate - i.e. you'll see that i added a hockey ticket from a trip to see a carolina hurricanes game...
p.s. you can select each layout to view it larger....
digital "sketch" - what i started with

layout #1 - sidewalk chalk

layout #2 - hurricanes hockey game

layout #3 - first day of kindergarten

Great layouts, Dana! It's so interesting to see three different takes on the same sketch. Somehow they all seem different until you look closely. Love the colors in the sidewalk chalk layout!