i'm not sure if i've mentioned it here or not, but i'm taking cathy zielske's class called design your life at bigpicturescrapbooking.com. i'm a little behind with my layouts, but because the class is self-paced i'm not too concerned. one of the things i am really loving about this class is that each week cathy provides digital templates for each of our assignments. so i'm using this as an opportunity to play around more with digital scrapping. i can work my way around photoshop elements, but i need practice on picking out digital elements, digital papers, etc. i think i'm slowly getting better with the process of creating digital layouts.
so today i wanted to share three different layouts that i made from the same digital template. i love that you can use the same digital layout - or traditional template actually - but use different photos and different papers and elements to create completely different layouts - even thought the starting point is the same, you end up with something different every time. love it!
p.s. you can select each layout to view it larger....
digital "sketch" - what i started with

layout #1

layout #2 - double pager

layout #3

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