happy new year!! even though i started the new year a little under the weather, 2010 has started out pretty well thanks to some big news from a very sick friend yesterday. i'm continuing to pray for her and her little family, but i see nothing but healthy good times in their future!! i love you sweet friend!
and i know i haven't posted the last three days of my 25 days of december album but i have had some printing issues around here lately and haven't gotten a chance to get things together and ready for posting....but it is almost complete and the last pages will be posted soon!
in other news....i have set three big scrapbooking and photography goals for 2010.....all of which i'm happy to say that i've already gotten a head start on! this is of course in addition to all the million other projects i have ongoing - remember this post?
#1 i definitely want to continue doing a photo-a-day project for 2010. i did one for 2009 and i think it is a great way to document my/our everyday stories. not all the pictures i took were first rate, but my photography skills did improve. and yes, there were some days that i did not feel like taking a picture, but i did anyway. and yes i did get behind with the journaling but i caught up. and now that it is complete - all together in one album - i love it. and get this - my husband even sat down with the album the other night - looked at all the pictures, read the journaling, and proceeded to make comments like "look how much they changed in one year", "i forgot about that", "look at those haircuts", etc. that alone made it totally worth it! i've started capturing my photos and am up to date on the journaling (i started on december 28th because my weeks run monday to sunday), but i'm not quite sure how i'm going to put everything together yet. still thinking about that one and will keep you posted.
in a effort to improve my photography skills and my creativity i went in search of some photo challenges for 2010. i wanted something that was not as frequent as a photo-a-day, but something a little more challenging in terms of creativity. there are a lot of great challenges on the web and many, many resources. below are some of the ones i found most helpful....
2010 photography weekly challenges at two peas
7 photography projects to jump start your creativity
photo projects - why you should participate
flickr project groups
so after looking through all these links and deciding what i thought was managable on top of everything else, i decided on two photography challenges for 2010.....
#2 the 2010 photochallenge at photochallenge.org is a yearly challenge where you shoot one photo each week for a particular theme that changes every four weeks. the first theme for jan 01 through jan 23 is resolution. all images are added to the photochallange.org pool on flickr. i really like the fact that you can interpret these themes any way you like. and here is my first photo for week 01....
resolution: play more
#3 and the second photography challenge i'm going to undertake this year is called project rainbow. i actually found this challenge on flickr and thought it would be really fun (and i remember reading about it on photojojo also but can't find it now...)....basically you take photos that contain the colors red, yellow, pink, green, orange, purple and blue. twenty of each. in no particular order and again the subject is up to you. and again added to the flickr pool. this one just sounds fun to me. some colors will definitely be easier than others....i'm thinking pink might be a little tough for me! and again, i've added my first picture to the flickr pool....see below.
Red #1
what are you plans for 2010? are you doing any creative projects? want to join me in mine? all you need is a camera and a computer!
Beautiful photos! The challenges you've selected sound really great; good luck!