so this project actually started out as bribery. my six-year old ended up having to make a trip with me to my local scrapbooking store. certainly not his favorite place to visit (no toys) and not a place i like to have to take either of my boys when i go....but sometimes when you're out of school for veteran's day and your mom has errands to run you end up going to places that aren't your favorite. anyway, to entice him to behave and not to complain too much i told him they had some really cool stickers in this store and if he was good and let me look around without incident he could pick out any sticker he wanted. he was good and one of his favorite things right now is sharks. so he picked out some shark stickers.
on the way home he decided that he would create an ocean scene and put the shark stickers "in the water along with some fish for them to eat". i thought it sounded like a great idea. when we got home he immediately started on his project. in the end the picture turned out great and he was very proud of it. we added some chipboard letters from my stash to spell "shark" and matted it on some light blue cardstock. i found an old frame that fit perfectly! instant art that is now waiting to be hung up in his room after its trip to school to show all his friends and his teacher.
we started with this....
and ended up with this....
and here are some of the close up details....
an excellent way to use some scrapbook stickers if i do say so myself!!
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