01 November 2009

aunt kathy's ten things list

so my family has been keeping up with my blog since i've started it and last friday my favorite aunt - aunt kathy - sent me an e-mail after she had read my ten things thursday post. her e-mail was titled kathy's ten things that i like about this friday and when i read it i knew i just had to share it here. she is just too funny and i hope she doesn't mind that i'm posting her list. number 2 is my personal favorite (because i happen to fall down a lot myself)! i love you aunt kathy! and i hope you keep sending me e-mails ;-)

kathy's ten things that i like about this friday

1. i didn't step in dog poopie today. (murray leaves me a love offering somewhere on the floor that kinda is off the beaten trail or should i say tail.)

2. i slipped on wet leaves and acorns outside today and no one saw me fall and i didn't break anything.

3. i get to take mckenna and walker to their school's halloween carnival tonight by myself.

4. i have watched every finneus and ferb cartoon ever written.

5. the battery operated flashing tealights in my halloween graveyard are still flashing after 3 days.

6. my cell phone hasn't rung all day!!!

7. soccer practice is over for the year.

8. i really can see better with my new glasses (i even read a book today.)

9. i have finally caught up on the washing.

10. the week-end will soon be here!!!

1 comment:

  1. i am here from shimelle's class, i loved reading your all the posts on this page, love the robot craft... i hope you have lots of fun in the class
