well i am managing to keep up with my twenty-five days of christmas 2009 album, even if it does appear that i have given up on blogging! i haven't given up i've just been really busy, busy, busy around here lately. but i'm not letting all the activity get in the way of enjoying this special time of the year....
december 2nd - i previewed this picture here and wanted to show you how i incorporated it into my album.
december 3rd - just an ordinary night at home after dinner and homework....
december 4th - the big event for today was cleaning out the playroom and having the boys go through their toys and decide which ones they wanted to donate to charity. for some reason when i said "give to boys and girls that don't have many toys" michael assumed that we would be sending the toys to africa. i heard him say several times "oh yeah, little boys in africa would really like this!"
back tomorrow for more....
Great layouts. And what a cute story about donating the toys!