so one of my tasks over the thanksgiving holiday was to catch up on my project 365 journaling. i talked about being a little behind on this piece of work in this post, and i'm happy to say that i am officially caught up! yeah for me! i had six hours in the car and some down time in the evenings at my in-laws to catch up. i just took the pictures i had already printed out, a pen and some paper. when we got back home i typed up my journaling and printed everything out. side note: i'm not sure why i'm going to all the trouble to type up and print out the journaling as it would be much easier to capture my journaling in my own handwriting....but i guess i just think it looks neater printed out.
it started like this....
and ended up looking like this....
this was the first year that i've done a photo-a-day project and i can definitely say that i will be doing it again in 2010. it's such a great way to capture all the things going on in our family over the course of a year. one photo a day and a couple of lines of journaling - simple as that. and now that i'm already in the habit of doing it why not continue.... i am thinking about the how i want to do my 2010 project. i used becky higgin's project 365 kit this year. have you seen her new - project life?? if not you've got to check it out. this is a definite possibility for 2010, but i am very interested to see the digital version before i make a decision.
are you capturing a photo-a-day this year? if so, are you going to do it next year too? what is your documentation method?
Wow! Amazing job catching up. What is your strategy for printing onto those small journaling cards? I would love to do that with the project life kit.